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It is policy of this organization to screen all prospective volunteers to ensure the highest level of service to our customers and clients. The information supplied is confidential. While we try to place every prospective volunteer, we reserve the right to reject applicants who do not meet our requirements and/or criteria.
Release from Liability
Volunteers release Evergreen Basic Needs and its agent, representatives, trustees, officers, employees, and volunteers from any liability arising out of any damage, loss or injury to the volunteer or their property incurred as the result of volunteer activities.
The Volunteer Agrees:
To follow the directions of the area supervisors
To not disrupt employees and other volunteers who are working in the building
To respect the privacy of all Evergreen Basic Needs clients
To keep all information about Evergreen Basic Needs clients, staff and volunteers confidential
To obey all safety and security rules of Evergreen Basic Needs
Upon acceptance of Application, you will receive a Volunteer Handbook outlining Evergreen Basic Needs programs and procedures.
After an in person meeting, a consent form is required to be signed by the applicant.